7 Irresistible & Luscious Reasons to have Orgasms

Besides being pleasurable, having orgasms is healthy for you and good for your self-image. Oxytocin called the “ love hormone” is released during an orgasm. As oxytocin rises the endorphins in your body rise as well. Study after medical study show that sexual wellness and frequent orgasms have enormous physical and emotional benefits. Health Benefits of having an orgasm—  An Orgasm...

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5 Barriers that Stop You from Enjoying True Intimacy

Enjoy this Video on 5 Barriers: If you prefer reading to watching, please Click here. You might also enjoy reading this.  Explore our Sensual Arousal Cream here. EXCITING NEWS — The name of our company has been changed to Edorai.  As time went by, I realized the name O Yes  didn’t begin to describe the mission of helping women become the best version of...

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