I get how overwhelming, confusing and hard it is. Yup, I totally understand how difficult it is to find the right products to use when there are so many skin, beauty, and self-care products on the market, so many advertisements, and so much information to digest—that’s one of the reasons why I started Edorai.
The Edorai product line started with an idea — the focus being on creating products that were as natural as possible and actually worked, as well as on self care and taking the time for yourself each and every day. Your self-care is so important and studies show that self-care can help improve the quality of your life — makes you happier and better able to cope with any stressful situation life throws your way. Part of the steps to becoming the best version of yourself :).
I’m a dietitian by trade and have always focused on what I put in my body through healthy eating but for the past several years I have been focusing on what I’m putting on my body. I want my makeup and self care products to be as chemical free as possible (many chemicals that pass through the skin have proven to be harmful).
But, when I started looking for quality natural products that actually worked I found a lot gaps in what I wanted.
Because I wanted to make it easier for you to cut through the confusion and find the right products, I partnered with pharmacists and chemists at an F.D.A. approved laboratory to create natural, cutting edge beauty and self-care products that help you—look better, feel better and support your overall wellness!
I care about skin care and I care about YOU!
The driving force behind the development of the Edorai products – clean, natural, good, effective – the criteria for all the Edorai products.
So I started with this idea of creating cruelty-free products with safe, natural, effective and simple ingredients. Developing the products has been a long and detailed process- starting with finding the perfect ingredients and the team to develop the finished products.
What I’ve created at Edorai and will continue to create are products that make a woman feel good, look good, love the skin she’s in, feel sexier, increase her self esteem, and become the best she can be!.
Part of our mission at Edorai is to encourage women to ask for what they want in life, have more confidence more joy, and to have more pleasure … become the best version of themselves.

My mission has always been about helping and Empowering Women. I even named this company after the 3 most important and inspiring women in my life. The name Edorai is made up of the 3 women who have inspired me to become the best version of myself — my mother Elaine, my grandmother Dora, and my daughter Dani.
And the Snowflakes … ah, the beautiful snowflakes. Each snowflake is unique and beautiful just like each Woman is unique and beautiful! Our hope is that the name and the snowflakes will represent the embodiment of Empowerment for Women.
I AM SO excited to share our products with you.
Most women want to look better & feel better, so at Edorai we created nature’s best, cutting edge products that help YOU feel more desirable, and become the best version of YOURSELF!
We believe that it’s important for you to Give Yourself Permission to do more of what makes you feel good, “lights you up inside,” and feeds your soul. We believe in ‘stretching’ your comfort zone; we encourage you to Give Yourself Permission to explore new paths to take your life to the next level.
In addition, more and more studies show that self-care can help improve the quality of your life — makes you happier and better able to cope with any stressful situation. The other way we make your life better is by creating self- care products that will help you ‘pamper’ yourself, love the skin you’re in, feel sexier, and increase your self-esteem. We also believe it’s just as important for you to use natural ingredients on your skin, as it is for you to eat healthy. That’s why our ingredient philosophy is ‘Safe and Simple.’
‘When You Feel Good, You Look Good.’
It’s time to bring out the best of what’s already inside of you
Why wait a second longer …
click here to shop now

Imagine waking up and discovering one day that your husband had lost all your money. Imagine that you woke up one day and had nothing left but your wits. And further imagine that a few years after your divorce he got in trouble and lost his license to work. You’re left with no alimony, no money, nothing but the clothes on your back.
This emotional and devastating roller coaster ride was now my life. I resolved that no women would end up in the same position as I was. Ever. Again.
Hi, my name is Holli and as the creator of Edorai I’m going to share a little bit about myself. I think it’s important to be totally transparent so we can begin to get to know one another. Yes, the above statements are true about me but I gave myself permission not to wallow in self-pity—well, ok, I did allow myself a few pity parties. I picked up my big girl panties and channeled my anger. I made it my mission to empower women to step into their best lives for health, wealth and happiness (more about how I did this below).
- My early years were spent in Wayne, New Jersey (a half hour outside of “The City).” Even though I moved to sunny South Florida after college with my family, I am, and always will be, a Jersey Girl.
- I have been trained as a dietitian and an entrepreneur.
- Attended Syracuse University where I received a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Nutrition and Dietetics; and Florida International University where I obtained a Masters in Business Administration (M.B.A.).
- I have been called friendly, outgoing, optimistic, authentic, and extremely honest and trustworthy. I have never met a stranger and am as comfortable speaking with the janitor as I would the Queen of England.
- Blessed with two beautiful, fabulous, and empowered children who are the light of my life.
- When I am not creating, writing or presenting, I like to spend time dancing, reading, cooking, playing bridge or Mah Jongg, hiking, playing pickleball, skiing, traveling, going to the movies, attending shows, opera, dance and music events (and I just gave herself permission to learn how to play Canasta — what a fun game!).
- My self-confidence and ability to deal with life situations is what helped me learn how to “Dance in the Rain,” survive and thrive with a smile always on my face.
Because of the devastation of my financial life, I dug in and learned as much as possible about personal finances. I wrote The Simple and Sassy Guide to Financial Empowerment during this time. Fast forward a few years and while working during the day (yes this was necessary if I wanted to have a roof over my head and eat), Empowering Women Monthly was created which has grown into The Women’s Inner Circle. The Women’s Inner Circle, encompasses all aspects of wellness:
- Social health
- Emotional health
- Environmental health
- Intellectual health
- Spiritual health
- Sexual health
- Financial health
As you know, when one of these is ‘off-kilter’ it really affects how you feel, think and act. The Women’s Inner Circle is for women who are ready to celebrate, share and live their best lives. Since traveling and experiencing new things contributes to our overall state of wellness, one of the ways I help empower women is through retreats. The Ultimate Travel Journal: A Woman’s Blueprint to crafting meaningful moments, unforgettable adventures, and memories to last a lifetime. was written for the wonderful ladies who attended my first retreat to Tuscany, Italy, but is also available for anyone who loves to travel!
The Edorai Product Line was sparked from an idea. Once the idea took root, I gave myself permission to create natural products to help women pamper themselves so they could feel like a million dollars. Edorai is all about Giving Yourself Permission to do more for YOU so YOU can become the best you can be. I believe it’s time to Give Yourself Permission to do more of what makes you feel good, “lights you up inside,” and feeds your soul. Give yourself permission to laugh more, smile more and do things that are quite simply, just … for … you!
This is truly what Edorai is about. It’s about stretching your comfort zone and Giving Yourself Permission to explore, and try new and different ways to take your life to the next level. Whether it’s buying yourself some beautiful flowers, wearing that shirt you’ve been saving for a special occasion, using our Edorai Foot Cream, taking yourself on that trip you’ve always wanted to go on, … it’s time for you!
I encourage you to try our products and join in the Fun!
You may be wondering what women think about our Edorai Creator.
Here’s a sample of what women just like you have said about her:
Holli is a great motivator and a positive thinker. She shares a wealth of ideas and helpful suggestions pertaining to increasing women’s self-esteem and confidence. She creatively uses tools such as video clips, quotations, blogs, a website, emails, etc. to get across her message of empowering women to be their best selves. Her topics and the tips she provides are always interesting and varied; examples include healthy eating, recipes, finances, pampering oneself, fashion, etc. I’ve been reading her “blissful moment” emails for the past two weeks and have found myself waking up in the mornings excitedly wondering what new topic Holli will have in store. I look forward to these daily affirmations so much. I have incorporated several of her ideas into my own life which has made me feel better about myself.
I thoroughly enjoy the uplifting quotations she shares on Facebook; with each one I read I find myself wanting to “pay it forward” or “give back” as what Holli is doing for others. Even more inspirational is the fact that Holli is going through a divorce. Instead of wallowing in self-pity over the cards dealt to her, she has chosen to make lemonade out of lemons. Drawing upon her own experiences, she has chosen a personal mission involving empowering women to take control of their lives, finances, health, and overall well-being. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day Holli Rovenger lands in one of those top ten lists in a popular magazine featuring women who are making a difference in the lives of others. Thank you Holli for being a positive influence in my life!
–Ellen Peterson
Holli has given we women a helpful road map on how to care and nurture ourselves with joy and ease. She gives practical, easy activities to integrate into our lives, to help bring our awareness and attention to developing our inner and outer beauty. In our fast pace society where we can easily lose sight of adding self care into our routines, Holli makes the habit come to life. By following her expert guidance you can feed your body and soul with golden nuggets to transform your body, heart and mind.
–Carol McWilliams
I have known Holli for some time now and have been following her “How to be Nice to You” program. It is incredibly important to be nice to yourself, but it is so easy to be last on the list. Holli reminds you to take care of yourself. She is also a great coach, nutritionist and offers brilliant advice about looking after your finances. Holli is a true advocate for women everywhere and I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.
–Kim Wright
Holli is the woman I have always wanted to be. She has motivated me to become the best I can be and empowered me to reach for excellence in every area of my life.
–Cookie Pocchia